So I got my first ever influenster vox box a few days ago and was super excited to try everything inside!
Box Items...
So the first thing I tried were the Cranberry Almond THINaddictives
I tried the Zone Perfect Bar Greek Yogurt Rasberry
It tastes AMAZING!! And knowing that I was eating something that was pretty healthy that actually tasted good gave me a pretty nice feeling.Can' wait to try the other flavors!
I gave the Garcinia Cambogia Extract a shot.
I guess the hunger suppressant element of these pills work because I took two of these before taking my friend to a birthday dinner and I only felt the desire to eat about a quarter of my meal when I'd usually eat the whole thing! I'm not sure about the " feel good" aspect of it though I mean I guess I was in a pretty good mood but then again I was also happy to see her to begin with so I'm not sure if it really made a difference. But I plan to keep taking them.
As for the other items, I haven't had the opportunity to use either of them just yet.
When I do try both products I will be sure to update! Here are the items:
Urgent Rx Ache & Pain Relief To-Go-Lemon Lime
New-Skin Liquid Bandage
Influenster Program...
" Influenster is a free -to-join community of invited trendsetters who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influenster creates links between brands and members to reward participation and influence future products."

"As an active influencer, you’ll have the chance to get invites to Influenster programs so you can try the latest and coolest products catered towards your lifestyle before anyone else."
If you're interested in being apart of this program, and think that you could become an active influencer just shoot me a message with your email in it and I will send you an invite!
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